Masiratna is a top-notch

education agency


Study Abroad



of Experience
0 Years

Helped over

Saudi Students

Worked with

Educational Institutes
over 0

Our Story

In 2010, our journey began when a Saudi student in Australia established our first office. Since then, we have grown alongside our customers, supporting them from initial consultation through to graduation. Our commitment to providing high-quality services has earned us an excellent reputation.

At Masiratna, we serve ambitious students by facilitating their applications to Australian universities, enrolling their children in schools, securing visas for them and their families, and assisting with housing and airport transfers. We assure our clients that with Masiratna, their experience will be seamless.

Australia is renowned for its world-class standard of living, ranking second-best in the world for quality of life

Australia is globally recognized for its high-quality education, earning worldwide recognition for the standards of each of its top institutions

Our highly trained staff will help find an institution that is right for you

Australia is a strong multicultural society. Australian law ensures freedom to practice your religion, with cultural festivals being a common and celebrated part of the university lifestyle



The required IELTS score for studying in Australia varies depending on the level of study and the specific institution. Generally, the minimum IELTS score requirements are as follows:

Foundation: overall 5.5, with no individual band score below 5

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs: overall score 6.5, with no individual band score below 6.0.

Accommodation options include on-campus housing, homestays, shared apartments, and private rentals. Prices vary depending on location and type.

To study in Australia, you’ll need a student visa (subclass 500). Requirements include proof of enrollment (Confirmation of Enrolment – CoE), sufficient funds, health insurance (Overseas Student Health Cover – OSHC), and English proficiency.

To open a bank account, you’ll need identification (passport), proof of address, and your student visa. Many banks offer student accounts with no monthly fees.

Yes, international students must have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), which provides access to medical services, hospital care, and sometimes prescription medications.

Public transportation is widely available and includes buses, trains, and trams. Student discounts are often available. Cycling, ridesharing, and car rentals are also popular options.

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